What to Expect: Energy Clearing

Testimonial Artwork, “When You Get Cleared” - Stella, age 8

What to Expect: Energy Clearing

Our first session is 90 minutes (via Zoom), which gives us time to get to know each other and feel comfortable before our deep dive into energy clearing. I’ll ask you about your life — your hopes and dreams, any challenges you’ve been experiencing, and anything you’d like me know about you. We’ll discuss what brought you to request a clearing, and I’ll answer any questions you may have. (Subsequent sessions are an hour long, and the only difference is that, instead of a longer intake interview, we’ll have a quick chat about how you’re doing and what you hope the clearing will help you with, and then we’ll dive right into clearing mode.)

It's good for you to have a comfy place to sit and a room where you can have privacy, because, once the clearing starts, your only job will be just to relax and notice what you're feeling. I'll describe to you what is happening in the clearing as we go. Please feel free to ask me any questions, share your insights, or make comments as well, throughout the session, so the clearing will be a gentle (and fascinating, authentic, touching, sometimes delightfully surprising, sometimes humorous, sometimes tender, always supportive) conversation back and forth between us while I clear you.

As I clear your energy fields, I witness and hold space for you in deep, heart-based awareness. I share my intuitive impressions with you as they arise, which often leads to profound new insights and increased understanding and acceptance for yourself and your own beautiful, unique way of being in the world. It allows you to move beyond old, limiting stories and embrace who you truly are.

Once your clearing is complete, I do a couple of wrap-up steps to help your system integrate all the lovely shifts you’ve made, and to help you feel centered and grounded within yourself.

Right after your energy clearing: Make sure to allow some free time afterward to just be with yourself! This technique, while very gentle, is also profoundly powerful! Remember, a tremendous amount of energy has shifted during our session, and you may notice the ways your system is experiencing those shifts as you become accustomed to the new freedom in your energy flow. (Energy clearing is very subtle, so some people notice the shifts and some do not. The clearing works optimally for everyone, no matter whether you notice the energy or not.) You might feel really energized, or you might feel tired and want to take a nap. Or you might experience an emotional release, such as having a good cry or a sudden flash of anger. It’s like a garden hose — when it’s kinked, it blocks the flow of water, and when you unkink it, the water suddenly spurts out before it settles in to a nice, even flow. So it is with energy (including emotions), and you’ve just released a LOT of kinks, so give yourself time and space to process this, and honor what you’re feeling.

In the days and weeks following your energy clearing: Sometimes, after a clearing, there is an immediate and dramatic result and sometimes, results are more gradual and unfold over time. The dramatic ones are easy to spot. For instance, I had a client whose estranged daughter, whom he missed very much, called him during our session, out of the blue, just as I was doing the final wrap-up steps to ground and center him. He was thrilled! Another client had been searching for a job for months, had a clearing with me, and was offered a great job she hadn’t even applied for, that very evening, starting that week, no interview required. Her message telling me this began, “WOW! This stuff WORKS!” Another client, whose father had been emotionally abusive when she was a child, had a huge wave of forgiveness and understanding wash over her during a session. The freedom she experienced remains with her to this day, years after her clearing.

And sometimes, results can be more subtle and gradual. Some of the most frequent results people report to me (and that I’ve noticed when I receive a clearing) is just feeling more like yourself, like you are fitting into your own skin better, not reacting in the old, unhelpful ways to triggering people or situations, not being drained by being around others (even if you’re a highly sensitive person and/or an empath!), feeling happier and more relaxed, getting better sleep, having more energy, people responding to you in a much more positive way, increased intuition, and more ease and success with finding the right solution, teacher, healer, friend, or information at the right time. These results are subtle yet profound components of living a life of wellbeing, and they add up to big changes over time. Just choose any one of these results, and imagine experiencing that for a period of, say, several months — what cumulative effect would that have on your relationships? Your career? Your health?

So, after receiving a clearing, my recommendation would be, over the next several days or even several weeks, just to notice what happens in your life. Sometimes little coincidences happen, one after the other, or something you barely even notice when it happens, but a few weeks from now when you turn around and look back, you’ll suddenly realize there’s a little chain of events that all have happened since the clearing, and you are experiencing life in totally new ways. Don’t stay too focused on any one outcome, but notice all the wonderful outcomes that ARE showing up. The clearing has restored balance to your energy system and now things can unfold as they’re meant to.

How often should I come? Even a single clearing session can have a profound impact. Or, if there’s something you’d really like to shift in your life, then you could try several once-a-week sessions and see what unfolds. Some people like to get cleared every year on their birthday or at the start of the new year, to start their year off right. Some like to come seasonally, to align their system with the changing energies of the seasons. Some like a once-a-month tune-up to stay in the flow year-round. And some, like me, enjoy once-a-week sessions — as a healer, I find it essential, so I can show up for my clients, friends, and family (and myself!) in a clear and balanced state. Whatever appeals to you most will be perfect.

It’s very helpful to get a clearing before a job interview or speaking engagement, or when going through a major life change such as a divorce, loss of a loved one, menopause, or anytime you feel a sense of struggle keeping up with life’s changes. Clearing is also a good addition to psychological treatment for any issue, to shift any “stuckness” and restore balance at the subconscious and subtle-energetic levels and help maximize your positive results.

This work is most effective when approached as a wellness practice, like yoga — if you attend one yoga class, you’ll feel much more balanced, which is wonderful, but attending regularly leads to true transformation. So it is with energy clearing — as I clear and rebalance your energy fields, your system is learning, more and more each time, how to be more resilient and maintain that harmony, react less to triggers, and not take on as much stressed energy from the people and places around you. For this reason I offer discounts for those who’d like to invest in multiple sessions at a time.